Facebook is Killing Your Career

December 15, 2015

Even with the most private settings, your Facebook posts are not private. Anything you post, can and likely will be used against you — so maybe you want to remain silent? And maybe not, maybe you’d rather express yourself. If Facebook is where you want to do it, then go for it. Most people seem to understand the cost/benefit of social media and the thorny privacy issues that surround it, but what about trolling around and seeing what your friends are up to while you’re at work? Harmless right?

Not all tasks are the same. And it’s very normal to work for say 37 minutes then take a 6 minute break. Most peoples’ days aren’t regimented very cleanly, and most tasks don’t come in neat packages. But you have to make sure those “6 minute” social media breaks don’t stretch into a half hour or hour. And by the way, the best breaks are ones that get you on your feet and your eyes off your screens, but you probably know that already.

Social media frolicing at work might be a good habit to break, and there are some good services that can help. Freedom is probably the mostly widely used tool to manage your interaction with social media. You can use the Freedom app to set time restrictions on when you can use social media and limit its portal into your life.

You don’t hear too many people talking about the wonderful experience they had tweeting something or how much fun they had on facebook. Still it’s habit-forming, and especially alluring if you’re trying to avoid work. And this is where it really takes its toll.

If you’re avoiding a task that’s really difficult, escaping into social media and other distractions then you’re really doing your career and probably your sense of accomplishment some harm. As a treat or means of escape social media is fraught. If you really want to see that cat video then go ahead, but be careful, your job might not have 9 lives to fall back on.

About NextGen

NextGen is the brainchild of longtime telecom professionals with nearly 50 years of experience and millions of dollars in Telecom Recruiting Services. We focus on establishing long term relationships with our clients and candidates so we can recruit the best and the brightest in the telecom industry. This ‘quality over quantity’ approach is at the heart of everything we do and has resulted in successful job placements at Fortune 1000 firms worldwide.

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